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  • izzyball6

Eddie Gaedel Comes To Bat

Now batting ... pinch hitting for Saucier

Number one eighth

Eddie ... GAEDEL!!!!

"What? Where'd you get this guy?"

"Has Veeck lost his mind?"

"Browns are terrible but ..."

"Three feet 'n' eight inches tall?"

Umpire says "is this a joke?"

"No" says Skip, "Papers are signed"

'Alight, PLAY BALL!!!' the ump says

The Detroit nine recoil in laughter

The St. Louis nine do just the same

On the mound good ol' Bobby Cain

Get his sign 'n' winds 'er up

The pitch ...


Gaedel ahead in the count

Cain gets set and deals again


"Dammit Cain! Quit laughin' 'n' throw a strike"

Cain breathes in 'n' tries again


"He's a patient little runt"

"Take all the way Eddie!"

Cain's rollin' over 'n' can't even breathe

But it's heaveho, gotta get one in there

Theeee piiitch...

BALL FOUURRR!!!! Take yer base!

Eddie walks to first

He's done his deed

Veeck'll be a happy man indeed

Let's go Browns and ...

Aaawww, they're running for the little guy

Exit stage right then Eddie

You're now immortal

Little American hero take yer bow


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