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Rules For Writers

Writing has no strict rules unlike what school would have you believe. That said, be it for baseball writing or otherwise, there are best practices. I assume the conventions of grammar, syntax, sentence structure etc. are familiar to you so the following piece focuses more on attitudes that I feel generate good writing. These should hopefully be a welcome boost to both your baseball writing and any other writing you undertake. I know they have been helpful to both my blogging and my more artistic writings and poems which you can check out on my Instagram. (@israelmgonzalez)

Rule #1: Imitation Is Not Flattery

Never become a cheap copy of any other writer. It is not flattering but rather insulting to the legacy of another. Develop your own identity based on your own experiences. Give audiences a fresh voice to fall in love with. If they want Orwell's voice, they can read Orwell. If they want Kipling's voice, they can read Kipling. If they want you, they can read you.

Rule #2: Be A Detective

The muse is capricious. She comes and goes as she pleases and will not necessarily announce herself so be on the lookout. Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time. Those who are good at getting inspired are always looking for a spark. It can be an ad on the street, the ravings of a maniac, office gossip etc.

Rule #3: "Hello Darkness My Old Friend"

Pain, past trauma, and failures are a treasure trove of artistic inspiration. Use them. Embrace them. Mold them into something beautiful. Remember that the writer reaches into his own darkness and from within it pulls out light.

Rule #4: Beauty is Overrated

Not all art is meant to be beautiful. Some art answers to higher callings. Writing is no different. Sometimes it must be ugly, coarse, uncomfortable, awkward, because there are times where writing becomes a mirror held up to society.

Rule #5: Your Friend Ambiguity

Not everything has to be cut and dry. There is nothing wrong with leaving open ends so as to allow people of disparate life experiences to identify with your work. Not every detail must be told. It is ok to withhold.

Rule #6: Don't Force It

The muse has no schedule and she is not at your beck and call. She comes when she wills and is not stirred by your shrills. You will have dry spells. If you do, don't force the issue. Your audience will know if you're forcing it and will react accordingly. But when the muse does come you must seize the moment for your time is short.

Rule #7: Who Cares If They Understand

Write what you want and write what you feel. You are not the steward for anyone's feelings nor do you owe society any kind of polite, inoffensive puff pieces. If your writing offends them, there are many others who they can read. Do not censor yourself to appeal to the masses. Sooner or later they will catch up and you will be understood. A lot of people were offended on the highway of progress.

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