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  • izzyball6

The Man of Twelve Tongues

The man of twelve tongues knows it all

Only hit .220 but that's also his IQ

Caught and threw from spring till fall

Then the OSS came calling

Moe had a brand new job

Snapping pics for Uncle Sam

Sailed the Pacific with Ruth and Gehrig

In 1934 it was Tokyo calling

Hirohito never knew, oh damn!

War broke out and Moe got a call

Germans be working on an atom bomb

We stop 'em now or Olympus might fall

So Moe tracked down bad ol' Werner

Found him brooding on his uncertainty

Gotta kill him that's a certainty

But Moe was no killer

And the Nazi lived to be punked by a Jew

Not so superior after all

And Moe became the wisest of Americans

The man of twelve tongues sure knows it all


NOTE: You can follow this and my other poetry (not necessarily sports related) @israelmgonzalez on Instagram. I also post pics of sports cards from time to time.

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